The class is pretty funny today. Since its a presentation day. 4 hours straight Madam Besi's class. Thank god the presentations are not boring :) And there's a group presents a topic about family planning. Yes, I know. They even shows us how to wear a condom using a cucumber. Hilarious. They even shows how to insert a diaphragm. The thing is, people around me. Start talking about, yup what else, sex. "Mane ade sakit tu kalau cucuk kat sane, cube boyfriend kamu buat", she says.
& I think that kind of thing, should be private and confidential. Yes, you can say something like that to be funny and stuff. But please, that is like making a statement.
A few people nowadays, like to make a dumb statement like,"I'm bad", "I go clubs", "I want to show partial of my tits", " I'm not a virgin", "Guys dig me, cause they think I'm hot" and all that bull. Is that necessary. I think not. Don't you think it will be a lot better if you just stay low? Fyi its okay to be bad, do what the hell you want with your life, i don't even give a flying tuck. But stay low, please. You look so desperate to be bad. What a joke. And it makes me sick.
Okay. Btw, I miss home. And I miss my mami and dadi, a lot. Of course, I miss the two little brats. I hope
Hannan Aririe will do great and fantastic on his next cycling tournament or whatsoever. He is kindaa good in that kindaaa stuff. So good luck, si bau.
Hehe. Did I tell you about my new phone?

Its a
Samsung Corby Pop. I want this phone, probably, because the casing comes in colors, and I bought a pink corby to satisfy my obsession on color phones. It's not that I'm a pink fanatic, it looks so nice. I would like to give a big x's and o's to my Theodore John, Kamariah Abidin and Abdul Latif to make this phone, mine. Theodore's name come first bcs he's the one who talk to my dad behind my back after I cried like hell and he convinced my dad to bought it for me :)
Thanks John darling. You are my everything.
For the first time, I have been posted away from my own hometown. Okay, maybe its my second time. But it feels like first time, bcs before this I only posted for 5 weeks, and its in KL area. For this semester, its like 8 freaking weeks. How the hell am I going to survive. The thing is, I am posted away from KL for a month, and the lucky me, got Mount Miriam, Penang. Darn you, CPU.
Also means, I'm away from John. If a week feels like hell. Then, I don't even want to know what a month without him feels like.
damn you shoulder. damn you stupid smile. damn you.
why so handsome, darling?um. Nothing more to babble.