I have this thing where I strive to change from a person I used to be. You can say, I don't rely on my family much except staying at their house, use their electricity and eat their food. And I even gave them my share of income for that. Okay, that is still relying. Other than that, my car, my clothes, my fuel, etc etc is on me. So when Ive become troublesome. And bothering them with my fault and careless of things. I tend to fell down on my butt, really hard.
This relying on others shoulder are not that easy to avoid. I don't want to, but it is easily given, so I accepted it, knowing that it makes me weak.
PS: Dear car, now I know how important you are to me. I'm sorry if I did bad stuff when I'm inside you. I love you so much. Please don't do this to me, Ill send you to the car wash this Friday & I wash you every time you get dirty & even vacuum you, raining or not okay.
heraaaaaaaan! why is that there is no fairness anymore in this world.
mesti mau kena kuis-kuis, di puji-puji ka baru di bagi apa yang di mahu. bodoh!
Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
si kawan
Dear kawan,
kita kawan dari kecil. kalau di bilang lupa kawan ka? melekat sama boyfriend ka seja. apa kurang nya kau? memang lumrah bercinta pula begitu. kalau itu pun kau nda paham, nda guna la kau bercinta bertahun-tahun kan? setau aku nda pernah aku mau kasi duluan boyfriend aku kalau kau ada sama-sama kami. tapi kau mana mau ingat dan peduli tu semua kan?
kalau mau bilang nda mencari. nda kan la aku seja mau mencari kau, bawa kau berjalan? apa salah dia kau yang bawa aku berjalan, apa guna telefon mahal kau kan?
kita bilang lagi pasal duit. pernah aku berkira sama kau selama ni. ohhh tidak kan? aku harap benda yang sama dari kau. tapi lain pula fikiran kau ni. kalau cakap pasal duit ni lah kan, cara kau cakap tu macam beratus-ratus suda aku guna duit kau. yang aku kasi keluar duit untuk kau? ada kau pikir sebelum kau mau cakap gitu? ahhhh teda kan? aku mampu tersenyum seja la :)
senang cerita lah kan, kalau kau rasa kau nda mau suda berkawan sama aku, sakit suda hati kau, aku nda cari kau langsung, sampai kau mau berhujah- hujah di laman web. fine. teda orang paksa kau untuk letak aku dalam phone book kau ka, friend list kau ka. do as you please.
Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
when i chose to be alone. im lying.
the way you look at me, your patience, your touch, the way you hold me tight while i sleep is unbelievably different from what i have before. you are different. the way ive changed when im with you is different. i feel safe, i feel secure. you knew me very well. you are my world. but maybe im not ready. im sorry i didnt keep my promises. im sorry i chose to leave.
i love you. and i will always will be. MF, i fell in love with you and its the best thing when we shared something together. i see you when i see you okay.
Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
اشتقت لك
that moment when you sang to me, whispering every words to my ear.
Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
our second on the second.
by all means, i would like to say.
Happy 2nd Monthsary Mohd Fadzli Madzin
even though the bad news kind of crushing hopes and dreams and totally ruined our second monthsary, but we are going to make it. okeh?
So, Boy just make my collection of House of Nights Series complete. He bought me Awakened. Im stoked. and I cried macam bodoh. Well, kalau suda minat, kena kasi beli lagi benda yang di kumpul ni. Terharu la ba. and it beats the 1st monthsary suprise. Biar pn 1st monthsary lagi macam banyak tenaga dan usaha di gunakan.
I have 7/8, since the 7th series I read it using e-book. Hail to technology
I love you. b.
Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
via iPhongg?
Maybe, just maybe. I should get an iPhone. Doesnt matter the 3g, 3gs or 4.

Why? Because of this app.

Ohhh. sangat lah bikin panas. banyak lagi la aku jmp app dia yang siook-siook.
But too bad, LG Lollipop is still my numero uno.

Merepek Non-Stop
Nurain Afiza
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