by all means, i would like to say.
Happy 2nd Monthsary Mohd Fadzli Madzin
even though the bad news kind of crushing hopes and dreams and totally ruined our second monthsary, but we are going to make it. okeh?
So, Boy just make my collection of House of Nights Series complete. He bought me Awakened. Im stoked. and I cried macam bodoh. Well, kalau suda minat, kena kasi beli lagi benda yang di kumpul ni. Terharu la ba. and it beats the 1st monthsary suprise. Biar pn 1st monthsary lagi macam banyak tenaga dan usaha di gunakan.
I have 7/8, since the 7th series I read it using e-book. Hail to technology
I love you. b.