I want to talk about teenage pregnancy. Why? Because it’s been cycling on its bicycle around me for a few years now. What happened actually? I know everyone have sex nowadays, maybe even 12 years old. Who knew? Who cares? But I care about people around me who knew stuff. Who can avoid this. And still undergo this situation. Do safe sex. Use condom or whatsoever. To the guys. If you don’t know the meaning of "pancit luar", then don’t do it. Oh crap. You’re putting yourself and the girl you are sleeping with, into alot of troubles. A big fat massive troubles. And also to the girls, you should know if youre not wearing any protection, jangan buat masa kau subur. Nda ka buduh juga tu. I excused you, kalau kau memang nda tau bila la, pasal aku pon nda tau sebelum ni. So blame is on you too.
Info: Two weeks after your menses.
Nta la ba. Benda begini jadi masa aku school lagi dulu. and it keeps happening. Nta la. Kadang kadang kita perempuan ni pon, nda pandai jaga diri juga. I admit, aku pon. Tapi suda tau ba kan. Suda boleh cegah, tapi masih lagi jadi. Prevention is better than Cure. and this thing is obviously not a disease. Boleh prevent, tapi macamana mau cure kan?