which is yesterday is a very tiring day.
i went to college and deal with all the bs. and on the way from college. John and I decided to watch prince of persia. that movie kicked everyone arses. and we went for sushi and eat curry haha :D sushi king promote curry kan nowadays, so kami try laah.
btw, john's dad is currently in kl. so after the movie and the attempt of making sushi king even richer, john borrow his classmate's car and we rush to the times square to pick up my corby darling and straight away go to mid valley to meet his dad. oh ya. his dad, plus his step mom, plus his step brother and popo. yup, the whole family.
i like them, they are being nice and friendly to me. and they talk english ahh. yes, i have a problem speaking in not my mother-tongue languange. writing is easy, talking is well hard and idk, HARD.
i think i have met the important people in john's life. his mom, his older brother & the fiancee, his dad, his step mom, his step brother, and popo? haha.
only his another brother, and his sister, and his twin left.
nervous+excited= do they like me?
so our day start from 6 am and ended up at 11pm, without rest.
and today, yours truly woke up early to study since she have exam on the morning.
still feeling tired. haish.