Now I know the meaning of brick by boring brick song. At last, after all this month, I finally understand it haha.
Btw, I was google-ing. and I found this website yang sangat comel. and I kind of scrolling scrolling and I like what I read. Yes I am currently having a love issue. But I think Im dealing it smooothly, with some help of course and some music :)
So, Im gonna copy paste some that I liked only la.
It's nice when a guy looks good but what's nicer is when he has a heart, wanting to do the right thing for his girl, never wanting to disappoint her, always sharing his world even when its cloudy, wanting to know what she likes and what she thinks about things and actually taking her advice when it fits the occasion, giving a hug and a smile without her having to ask for one.
Most girls like a guy who can make her feel protected when she's with them. The way he stands next to her, the way he wraps his arms around her-you feel like nothing in the world can harm you. A guy who is very dependable: you call and it's like he's just been waiting for your call. Sensitive to your needs but not a wimp or a crier.
If I showed you some of the guys I've fallen for...well, LOL, they don't exactly match my "perfect guy". Just be yourself and don't make them feel too special. Hold it back a bit because we kind of like a challenge and it feels more special if we get a compliment only once in a while instead of every five seconds.
I like a guy who makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the room, he's interested in what I do, he has an inner confidence, he sort of has to have a little bad boy streak but still be caring, and would look after me. He should make me feel good about myself but also have his own interests and passions and go
als. He should be able to hold an intelligent conversation, be open minded and funny. He doesn't need to be classically good looking but he most definitely needs appeal, like I can't resist him and he can't resist.- MY FAVOURITE.
This may not go for all the girls, but it does go for me. Some girls might say that they do not look for good looking guys, but that is not necessarily true. He doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous, but... he can't be UGLY. Also, intelligence is definitely sexy in a guy. Athleticism is another good trait. A guy has to be funny, no boring guys. Playing hard to get, DOES get a girls attention. "Bad boys" to some girls, are very attractive. Height is one of the things most girls look for in a guy. And a guy with style. Of course, that is only some of the things some girls look for in a guy. Other girls' opinions are totally different from this. But this is what some girls look for in a guy.
I know I feel GAY too. haha.